Hi Beauty Lovers!
We have a new feature we’d like to introduce where we feature some of our reader’s Favourite Hair and Beauty Items. If you are a reader of this blog and you’d like to participate, please send an email to myHairmyBeauty(at)yahoo.com
Today we’re featuring the WINNER of our December 2014 Giveaway!

Elizabeth Adeniji (@Leeznijis) is a Nigerian Blogger, Fitness enthusiasts and Naturalista! and these are some of her favourite Hair and Beauty Products.
My Favourite 5 Hair and Beauty Products
Everybody has a particular product that they love and it works really well for them. This can only be discovered only after trying out several products. I have also discovered mine and I would love to share five of them which are my favourites when it comes to beauty and hair.
I would start with my favourite hair products which are:
– Natur Vital Hair mask
This is a really good hair mask. Out of all the hair products I have gotten this year, this is my number one favourite. It is simple and easy to use. It gives me good results. It is wonderful. It makes my hair soft and shiny. It also gives my hair a bit of colour. (Since I use the dark shade, it makes my hair darker)
– African Naturalistas Castor oil
I like to use this oil because it helps to make my hair thicker and prevents breakage. I have been using it for close to a year and I have seen fantastic results. It also prevents thinning and improves hair growth.
Beautiful Textures Leave-in-conditioner
Oh how I love this Leave-in conditioner. I love the smell. I love the colour. I love the design. I love practically everything about the product. I have been using it since July and I just love it. It makes my hair smell lovely and soft all day long. It absorbs into my hair quickly and makes it easier to manage. It prevents tangling.
Natur Vital Facial Toner
I started using this product 4 months ago not long after I started using one of its brands (a hair mask). The facial toner contains rose water which helps keep my face smooth. I recommend this product. It is amazing. It is great for toning and moisturising.
Olay Essentials Refreshing face wash
I have recently started using this product and I tell you, it is lovely. It keeps my skin hydrated and moisturised daily. This face wash is an excellent value for money. I bought it as a replacement for my clear essence blemish control wash. I notice that this product evens out my skin tone. I’m loving everything about it. It is just incredible. I would recommend anyone to purchase it. It is quite affordable and that’s the best part of it.
One last product…lol
Queen Helene Refreshing olive oil masque
This product revitalizes my skin and makes it smooth. I no longer have blackheads unlike before. My face has never been as smooth as now that I use this product. I absolutely love it. I have never had any problem with it since I started using it. I use it in the evening and it helps clarify my skin. I use it for my face, neck and shoulders. I leave it for about 30 to 45mins and I wash it off with lukewarm water.
So I mentioned five in my blog title but ended up with six. Well, there is no harm in adding one more…lol. This sums up some of my favorite hair and beauty products that I totally love and I think you should try!
Till then