Hi Beauty Lovers,
We are already half way through the year, but it seems like some of us are looking so 2015! What do I mean?
As you know, in the world of all things Beauty, Makeup trends pop up everyday and do not last very long (can anyone remember the days of thin eyebrows? yikes!)
Now that we are in the year of all things GLOW also known as 2016, let us ditch the following Beauty Trends.
- Overdrawn thick eyebrows a.k.a
instagram brows:

Let’s face it, your eyebrows shouldn’t be competing with
benchmarks on maps, and makeup isn’t geometry class where you are trying to create shapes with your liners. Instagram has prompted the importance of shapely eyebrows, but it seems like some of us still don’t know what that means. When it comes to drawing your brows, the popular saying go big or
go home does not apply. To make your eyebrows appear natural, simply
fill in the sparse areas, a little definition here or there, and highlight above and below your brows.
2. Everyday heavy makeup:

I was recently talking to a male friend of mine and he mentioned something that caught my attention. He said that the only different thing about brides of
today is their wedding gown, that most ladies do Bridal makeup to go to class and even to the library. As funny as it may sound I have to agree with him on this one. Contouring and highlighting, ombre lips, lashes and all that are for
special occasions like weddings and ceremonies. There’s really no need to go all the way with makeup when it comes to everyday looks, every once in a while, you have to let your skin breath.
3. Spider lashes:

If your eyelashes touch your eyebrows whenever you blink, if you leave streaks of mascara on peoples faces whenever you hug them, then this number is for you. There is a thin line between looking glam and looking like a Drag queen, and spider lashes just happens to cross that line. Eyelashes are meant to have a seamless flow with your real lashes giving it a realistic fuller look. To achieve a fuller lash without resorting to fixing lashes, apply several coats of mascara waiting in between applications so that the formula properly adheres to the lashes or using a technique made popular by MUA/you-tuber Huda beauty, apply a coat of mascara, using a Q-tip dipped in baby powder, dredge both the top and bottom lashes with baby powder add another coat of mascara and be prepared to be amazed by how longer and fuller your lashes look.
4. Super dark smoky eyes:

Smokey eyes are one of those timeless beauty trends that have been around since time; however, there is a difference between smoky eyes and racoon eyes. Really done-up smokey eyes can look trashy instead of classy, so next time instead of piling black eye shadow on your eyelids you can tune it down a notch by going with dark brown or reducing the amount of black on your lids.
5. Using a very light shade of concealer

Yes, it is called Hightlighting, however it is not an excuse to go 4 shades lighter underneath your eyes and on your forehead. The only time this look is acceptable is when you’re trying to pull off a Marilyn Monroe inspired Halloween look, apart from that stick to a concealer thats only a shade lighter than your skintone and BLEND!!
So there you have it, 5 Looks you should drop this year, am I forgetting any others?