The body goes through a whole lot everyday as we carry out our daily activities, everything we do from digesting food, to working, thinking, etc we put our bodies through stressful situations.
Being unhealthy might not show any physical signs at first but some subtle changes in our body system give us an insight regarding what’s not right in our body.
These common signs are a warning that you need to see a doctor or that your lifestyle needs a reboot.

Does this sound like you? You wake up from sleep in the middle of the night and then try going back to sleep but it’s completely impossible as you toss and turn all through the night without any form of sleep and this has now become a usual occurrence. Sleep disorder also known as insomnia does not just deprive you of your rest, it can put you at risk for so many diseases like heart failure, stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure. According to some research, 90% of people with insomnia also have a serious health condition, which is why it is important to talk to your physician when insomnia becomes a habit.
Cold hands and feet:

When you are in a cold environment or dip your feet and hands in water regularly, you might experience cold feet but developing cold feet without any reason at all regularly might have underlying health causes like anaemia, diabetes and or a nervous system disorder. If you find yourself dealing developing cold feet out of the blue, it might be time to pay a visit to the Doctors.
Regular broken or chapped lips:

It is completely okay to have dry lips occasionally due to changing weather conditions and all, but when this happens all the time with severity like your lips getting chapped, broken and sore for no just cause then this could be as a result of lung and heart problems that affects oxygen being carried in the blood passed round the body.
Fluctuation of the body temperature:
The normal human body temperature ranges from 36.1C (97F) to 37.2C (99F) however, our individual temperatures may vary slightly due to the individuals’ age, occupation and even time of the day. If your body temperature fluctuates far above normal like from being extremely cold to getting extremely hot then there is something wrong with your health that needs immediate attention. Fever and typhoid are likely causes of fluctuating body temperatures and it could also be a sign of some more serious ailments.
Skin changes:

Your skin says a lot about how healthy you are on the inside and how well you eat. Sudden changes in the skin might be sending a signal that there’s something that needs to be changed in your lifestyle or body system. If you have been having skin problems like acne then there might be no cause for alarm at all but developing sudden negative changes on the skin such as colour and texture might be due to ailments like diabetes. Developing skin rashes and scaling could also be a sign of an infection.
Changes in finger and toe nails:

Noticing certain changes on the finger and toe nails like discolouration and shape could mean a lot more than we imagine. The nails getting bent, cracked or discoloured might not just be normal, as it can be a warning sign of cardiovascular diseases like kidney and heart problems. Sure occasional breakage can occur as a result of not taking good care of your nails, but if you notice a constant degeneration of the health of your nails, you need to talk to a Doctor.
It is not just enough to sit and wait until something terrible happens before we carry out medical checkups on our health, little warning signs like the above mentioned might just be what we need to check our health status and prevent something drastic from happening. Remember your health is your wealth!
Source: www.cheatsheet.com