Hello Beautiful Ladies (and Gents)
It’s been a while since we talked Skincare.
However I do share tips and Product review on my Instagram page, be sure to check it out! (@myHairmyBeautyNigeria)
So, back to Skincare.

One of the biggest request/recommendations I get is about what PRODUCTS to use for Oily Skin.
Oh boy! is this a tricky one. Why? because most of the products I love and Swear by are not in Nigeria. But who knows, maybe someone out there is stocking them, (please contact me so I can feature you if you do!)
So let’s talk about Oily Skin.
Oily Skin is both Good and Bad. It is good because the Oils you produce keep you looking younger, it is bad because Oily Skin tends to break out alot!
Some people with Oily Skin, have resolved NOT to use Moisturizer, but THIS IS WRONG!! Instead of leaving your face moisturizer free, which tend to cause more breakouts, here are a list of my TESTED and TRUSTED moisturizers for Oily Skin.

My no.1 go to for Oily Skin would have to be Proactiv’s Complexion Perfecting Hydrator. While the name might be a tongue twister, this product is no Joke. It contains brightening properties like Licorice extract, Kojic Acid, and Arctostaphylos Uva Ursi Leaf Extract, it also contains Oil-loving acid; Salicylic Acid.
The gel-like cream comes on like a hydrator and then magically has a MATTE finish. This is perfect because it gives you that powder like finish that acts like a primer for makeup. While I love this moisturizer, I highly recommend it for morning use, because it tends to be very dry when used nightime.
To boost its brightening effect, I add my CUE Skincare 15% Vitamin C serum to this moisturizer as I apply it in the morning.
Ladies if you are super oily and PRONE to Acne, grab this, you will not regret it.

Before I discovered this gem in Proactiv, I was a big fan of Clinique’s dramatically different moisturizing gel. Ladies (and Gents) I’m talking about the GEL moisturizer not LOTION. If you have Oily Skin, you should not be using a cream/lotion based moisturizer, you are just clogging up your pores. Gel based moisturizers are more water based, and hydrate your skin.
This is a great inexpensive everyday moisturizer, morning and night. If you’re in Nigeria be sure to find a clinique vendor, or checkout the clinique store in Ikeja Mall.

Last but NOT least, my favorite moisturizer for Oily Skin is Dermalogica’s Oil control Lotion. While this lotion is more on the pricey, it is definately WORTH it. This lotion is VERY lightweight, and has a matte finish, it almost feels like you’re applying Aloe vera gel to your face + powder. It is nice, not really scented (which is great for those with sensitive skin) and it is contains ingredients that calm, soothe and hydrant your skin.
***Honourable Mention*** Like I said, one problem I have with recommending these products is that it is difficult to get in Nigeria, but 1 product that is accessible and I recommend is: Clean and Clear Acne Control Moisturizer.

Now you don’t have to have ACNE to enjoy the benefits of this moisturizer. It is lightweight, contains salicylic acid to absorb excess oil and prevent acne. It also has a light matte finish to it. When you are IN NEED of a moisturizer for your oily skin and can’t find the above mentioned moisturizer, this inexpensive moisturizer will do!

Is there a PRODUCT you swear by for your Oily Skin that’s NOT included here? Please Share! myHairmyBeauty@Yahoo.com
Hi ya! Please what do you mean by “brightening”? Is it similar to lightening? Would you recommend the Proactive Hydrator for a really dark-skinned person?
Brightening means getting a glow, getting rid of superficial dark marks. Lightening is reducing the chemical reaction that creates pigment with the use of lighting agents like Hydroquinone, etc.
The proactive hydrator is great for all skin complexions, it does not lighten you, but will even you out while hydrating your skin.
It is one of my favourite moisturizers since I tend to break out very easily.
Please how can I get the proactiv+ complexion perfecting hydrator in Nigeria? I’ve checked their website and they don’t ship outside US