We all live in a world where everyone is in the pursuit of beauty. Beauty is one of the most lucrative businesses we have right now, with millions of makeup and beauty brands in the market, as well as the new ones springing up daily. Nowadays everyone has become their own personal makeup artists with perfectly drawn brows and contoured faces thanks to YouTube tutorials and Beauty bloggers.
There are thousands of beauty bloggers these days each with her own unique taste, qualities and style; beauty bloggers (which are mainly female) dish out beauty tricks and tips on how to combine or create different beauty looks using various makeup or even household ingredients. The success of beauty blogging is measured by the amount of followers, viewers or subscribers you have depending on the platform being used. While there are alot of Caucasian, asian and lation bloggers, the black beauty blogger is on the rise as well. Recently Essence magazine decide to showcase what black beauty bloggers around the world look like, and here’s the list they compiled.
Anabelle Acquah:
The overall concept of The Pastels is cool in itself. Three Australian vloggers take to the ‘Tube to put beauty products and trends to the test. The twist—each influencer is of a different ethnicity and has a starkly different skin tone and hair texture. Acquah, who has Ghanaian roots, reps for women with dark complexions and coarse hair. She gives tips that the everyday woman of color needs, tips like how to maintain a dewy, even complexion, accentuating full lips, and caring for natural hair.
Fatou N’diaye: (Black beauty bag)
Fatou is a French actress from Senegal and the founder of BlackBeautyBag.com which is a beauty inspired website that gives black beauties a sense of belonging in the beauty world as it teaches them different ways of blending makeup accessories. She is termed Paris’ most talked about black beauty blogger.
Jen Martens
Jen is the Ghanaian brain behind Frolicious which is a multicultural fashion and lifestyle blog. She loves sharing images and inspirations on social media and has been mentioned as one of the most influential Africans in Germany.
Nadia Gomos

Nadia is a photographer and beauty blogger who gains inspiration from female beauty and usually captures people in their best. Nadia uses her website nadiagray.com to create an awareness on skin equality; she noticed that some beauty brands offered only half of the shades of hydrating foundation in the UK than it does in the US. The question she posed on her website “don’t we also need make up? gained popularity among various online tabloids including the Telegraph and even got to the manufacturers prompting them to make shades for women of colour. How cool is that?!
Patricia Bright

Patricia is a youtube vlogger who makes fashion, beauty and random videos. Patriciabright.co.uk is an avenue she uses to show trending styles, tips and hacks to help black women match different outfits and beauty accessories perfectly.
Source: www.essence.com